Can you remeber the first person that inspired you to be creative?
As a teen I had 3 wonderful people who inspired me to be creative and start this life long journey of creativity.
Firstly my mum, who always gave me freedom to play and nourished all my ideas. Even if they seemed a bit odd at the time.
Secondly was a wonderful craft teacher Shirley who owned a craft shop in the little town I grew up in. (Would love to know how she is these days). She was incredibly patient with teaching children, and gave us endless supplies of lace and hot glue to create whatever too our fancy.
And thirdly was a dear high school friend Ingrid Lee. Man did she have and still does have some serious talent up her sleeve.
I remeber sitting in art class just wanting to paint like her, needless to say I couldnt. I remember begging her for one of her china painted fairy pendants. She must of finally succumbed to my nagging as I was a proud owner of this beautiful pendant.
Over the years, when I opened up my jewellery box, I would always fondly remember
Ingrid, and wonder how she was.
Thankfully Facebook has reunited us, and our passion for art has bought us back togeather. I told her I still had her pendant and wanted to do this blog post to say thank you Ingrid for inspiring me, then and even now.
Please check out her wonderful blog
Ingrid creates, even her baking is superb..
By the way sorry for not blogging since Halloween, we have moved interstate just before Christmas, and now thats its a new year, plenty of creating lies await..
Take care all, and promise to return with some of my own creations in the not too distant future.