Thursday, March 02, 2006

Parliamentary theatrics

Well today we visited old Parliament House and the new parliament house. The first was interesting as it is so small compared to the new one, and the guide we had let us in on some old stories of past members.
The new one is huge in comparison, and is very different in decor. We even got a chance to go into the house of representatives and watch question time. Needless to say they are brillant actors on the tax payers stage. The theatrics and BS was quite interesting, and one feels like yelling out, "and I am paying tax for all of you to act like kindergarten kids" however one doesnt do such a thing in the public viewing area. Wish I could though. However they dont allow cameras or phones into the house, so obviously no photos of the man himself, Johnny Howard, or any other puppet in the great show of parliamentary theatrics.
I did get a photo of tent city, which at the moment, has few inhabitants, but the fire still burns, and will do for some time as there is massive amounts of fire wood on the lawns in front of old parliament house.

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