Wednesday, March 01, 2006

War Memorial & Royal Australian Mint

Today Linda and I went to the War Memorial while Imogen was at pre-school. It was fascinating seeing and reading all about past wars etc... This is truely a must for anyone coming to ACT and learn a little bit more about our past as a nation.
After lunch Barry came home, and is home for the night, before he ventures back out bush.
So this afternoon, we decided to go to Royal Australian Mint. This was very dissapointing. You can make your own $1 coin. However that isnt quite the truth. You slot $2.50 into a machine and out pops a $1 coin that hasnt been circulated. But it claims "you" make it. I think its a con, $2.50 for a $1 coin. Inflation!!!!!!!!!
Anyway some of the exhibits were interesting, and you can see where they make our money somewhat, and needless to say it really wasnt anything special. In fact it was a huge let down. I dont know if I was expecting something special about making money, but it wasnt what I had pictured.
Anyway off now to sit down and watch Jamie Oliver's cooking trip to Italy, so arriverderci for now.. Chow...

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