Friday, March 03, 2006

The Vegies have sprouted

Hello all, not much to report on today. Linda went home this morning, so Imogen and I had a lazy day at home. However I thought I would share a couple of photos of our potted vegie patch. Its not much at this stage, with winter not far off, but it is a start, and we are enjoying watching them all grow.
So far we have a capiscum plant, brussel sprouts for Barry, brocoli, Imogen has her carrots just sprouting, hopefully in time for the easter bunny, if not for snow men in the winter, and I have my parsley which has finally just sprouted.
Tomorrow we are going to plant silver beet for the birds and onions.
Barry will be home tomorrow afternoon for the night and hopefully we will go up to the top of Mount Pleasant and watch "Sky Fire" which is a huge fire work display over the lake. I really dont like my chances trying to get a good vantage point on the lake, so we will stay close to home and hopefully get a good spot on Mount Pleasant. Nightey night for now....

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