Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In Loving memory of Coco

Unfortunatly we had to make a decision yesterday to put to rest one of our beautiful dogs Coco. He has been ageing for quite some time, but over the weekend he went down hill far too fast. We are so saddened, but happy that he wont suffer anymore. Thank you Coco for the last 14 years of joy, protection, happiness, laughter and companionship to us. We miss you..


  1. I`m sorry about your beautiful dog. I know how sad it is, they become members of the family

  2. Oh Sarah Im really sorry i cryed when I saw the photo of coco.
    I really feel for you,Coco was such a gorgeous dog I will miss the greating at the door

  3. I'm so sorry Sarah to hear of Coco's passing. We love our pets as much as our children and it hurts to lose a fur baby too. xxx take care and my thoughts are your darling xxx Kimmy

  4. I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet companion, Sarah. Our pets become part of our family and when one leaves us it truly leaves a void.

    Tace care
    Gaby xo

  5. So sorry Sarah, we had to do this recently too. You just have to try and console yourself knowing Coco had a good life. It's not easy.

  6. I feel your pain Sarah. Our own "puppy" is nearly 15 and has just been diagnosed with breast cancer!
    The vet said as long as she's still eating, drinking and not in pain...just let it take it's course and make a decision if things change.
    You sort of want them to go on forever though you know they can't. Not something I like to think about too much. Sorry for your loss of your furry family member. ;-(

  7. Hi, oh how terrible for you all, hugs to you.

  8. Rest in peace dear sweet Coco

  9. It is a real heartbreak to let go of a pet, even when it is the best thing for them. I will be lucky if my little old man lasts out the year. Coco will always be a part of your heart. My condolences.
