Friday, February 06, 2009

Coastal adventures

We spent most of this week down at wonderful Warrnambool. Just the 3 of us, relaxing, sight seeing, meeting great friends and having the best adventures possible.
Here is Imogen over looking Lady Bay, where it was just a little bit too cold to swim in, luckly there was a fabulous hotel pool where we stayed and spent most of one afternoon in. We travelled the long way there via the 12 Apostles where it was very sea misty but stunning all the same. I was suprised at how many tourists were there though.

I also got to meet a long time internet buddy the lovely Peta and her lovely husband Norman. We spent a lovely evening over dinner and good wine. It felt like we had known each other a lifetime. Barry even got to ride in Norman's treasured chevy, which he loved.. Thank you Peta and Norman for great time, I do hope we can meet up again before we move mid year. And thank you Peta for the lovely blog award too.. Your spoiling me you know.
Anyway we had a fabulous trip, horse riding along the beach and sand dunes was surely the best adventure. Imogen controlled her horse like a pro considering she had only ever gone on pony rides before, and those sand dunes were hard going and yes I have a sore behind, found out that I still do have stomach muscles Ouch!! and back muscles that I didnt know I had.
Love Sarah


  1. Oh that pic looks great!!!! I AM so glad to meet you and i keep saying that it seems like i have known you and your family for a long time! You are all easy to get on with! I don't make friends easy, but you are one of them!!! thanks so much!!!

  2. It looks like you had the most wonderful time.Our Love to Barry

  3. Hey girlfriend! Love the pics xxx taking each day as it comes and trying to stay out of the rain. Thank you for thinking of me over the last few days. Have agreat time with Barry and try to beehive yourself xxxKimm
