Monday, October 08, 2007

Finally an update

Hello all, yep back onto the blog thing, after a few people have asked why I havent updated it. Well it all comes down to being slack and nothing else really. And that I really dont know what I am doing so until I learn all the ins and outs of proper blogging, I am sorry this will be a rather boring blog to look at with some pics and a bit of text thrown in for good measure.

What have I been playing with lately. On BB the lovely Monique suggested a Moo card swap, rather intriqued I was so with a bit of detective work they are much smaller than an ATC measurements are 28mm by 70mm.

A very small canvas to work with but fun and challenging all the same. So here is my 1st pic for my updated blog which all going well shall be updated reguarly.

Until next time


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