Saturday, March 18, 2006

Up up and away......

This morning we woke to an amazing sight. A hot air balloon that was filling with hot air just across the road from the back of house. We watched it take off, and of course we waved and all the people waved back. Anyway we quickly got dreesed and raced up to Mt Pleasant and to our astonishment their was 16 hot air balloons in the sky. It was so surreal, a truely amazing and memorable sight. The photo over Canberra with all the balloons doesnt do it any justice.
Anyway update on Imogen. Went to the doc again yesterday and once again couldnt find anything wrong with her. If she hasnt come good by Monday she is back to the doc for blood tests. I shall keep you posted.
This afternoon we went down the road to watch Barry play footy. It was a practice match. It was RMC verses ADFA, and RMC won.
Whilst we were there Imogen perked up a bit, so fingers crossed we are seeing the last of whatever it is.

1 comment:

  1. So when are you going to update your blog, Sarah? C'mon show off some of your gorgeous creations!
