Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pause in art transmission to remember

this time 9 yrs ago, I had just fed my 8 week old baby, I placed her in her bouncer ready to let the dogs out and wake my man to go to bed when i saw on the late news a plane had flown into a building in the US. Thinking to myself, what a terrible accident, a small plane off course. I phoned my mum, as i always do every night, I was telling her about the news, so she turned to that channel. As we were watching togeather via the phone we witnessed that 2nd plane flying into Tower 2. I remember clearly I swore quite a bit. Woke the man up then, I didnt even give him a chance to rub his eyes when I unloaded this upon him. Bless him, Straight away he said Terriorists. I was like "WHAT!" This was the night I learnt about terrorists other than the IRA. This was the night that the world changed, the night we would never see young children see inside a cock pit of an areoplane again, this would be the night to see my husband go to war for the 2nd time, this would be the night that would eventually see many of our friends not make it home from war, (Tash always thinking of you mate), this one night would see so many people die, and continue to die from diseases from the all the contaminated dust that fell from those 2 buildings, and the on going war in Afghanistan. As a young mum, I was frightened, scared to death, of what the future held, and does hold. And all i have to say to you who did this, who changed the world is... fuck you. Fuck you, fuck u fuck u.


  1. Thank you for putting your heart (and so many others) into words.

  2. Sarah, well said, it has always stuck in my memory too as we landed in Sydney on our way back from Mozambique to that news, Scary, we could have gone the other way on our way home.

  3. I too remember that day, I heard about it on the radio in the car........thought it was a joke, waited for the punchline that never came and then headed home to watch the news in horror.I agree, that day changed our world for the worse.
    Thanks for being brave enough to say how it makes so many of us feel.

  4. Great post Sarah. I remember taking a bath (was in British Columbia) when David came flying up the stairs with the phone telling Maureen to put on the TV (one thing we never watched when I was up there whale watching) saying that it was my ex on the phone at that there hand been 2 plane crashes in NY.... watched in disbelief as the day unfolded... had to cancel my flight over to Vancouver which was to connect to Seattle... drove and then took the ferry as I really didn't want to get on a plane and secondly the airports were congested....definitely a day we will all never forget. Still find it so hard to believe that so many good and innocent people have lost their lives on this day and since then.... as you say, I am concerned over what the future holds for us... xo

  5. I echo your sentiments Sarah.
    Thank you for your brave post & reminding me & others how September 11th changed our world forever.
    Hugs lucy

  6. You always have a way with words Sarah and I completely agree with you.It was a living nightmare all those innocent people who lost there lives because of a manic.
    Let us never forget.

  7. Thanks for sharing, we will never forget the day that changed the world and makes us hold our loved ones even closer.

  8. Anonymous2:00 AM

    my dad was a NYC fireman, was at the fire when a small plane crashed into the Empire State building.
    Told me that fire calls would be made from Harlem, NYC, firemen rushed to put out fire, when they climbed ladder to put fire out, gunshots would be fired at them from
    people in opposite building!!! Why?
    Dad died of cancer, most likely from Asbestos burned in the fires.
    Loved what you wrote and tnx for the tribute to firemen and soldiers all over the world.

  9. My Grandfather was stationed in Australia and on that day I was standing next to him on his "death" bed in the I.C.U. He had a long life with a loving family. You are an amazing wife and mother. May many blessing come your way now and in the continued future. It has been a priviledge and pleasure to read your blog. Thank you for the continued inspiration.
