Monday, May 31, 2010

Off with her head

While I was making my "Marie Marie" book, I got totally distracted with experimenting, learning and making some jewellery pieces. I unfortunately didnt get down to Melbourne while Susan Lenart Kazmar was out to learn all her tips and tricks. But I was inspired to give many of her techniques a go. So I opened her book, watched her DVD and after the lovely Jen sent me a jewellers saw to play with, I got stuck in.
This piece is inspired by one of Susan's pieces she designed on her DVD, I used one of my favbourite Zettiology stamps as the etched design, I just removed her head. The picture inside the window is an old etching picture of Marie Antionette being lead to her death, hence I have named this piece "off with her head."
Lastlty I would like congratulate my dear friend Jen Crossley on opening her wonderful new website A Mark in time. where there is yummy goodies for making all sorts of wonderful creations.. Go forth, stop by, and enjoy what she has to offer..
Love Sarah


  1. This is a beautiful piece Sarah wish you could of come to Susan's class you would of loved it.
    Thanks for all your support on my website

  2. Sarah this is a stunning piece! Way to go girl! xo

  3. I love this! Your work is amazing.
