Monday, May 31, 2010

Ned's Head

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to create something about Ned Kelly. Our famous, rugged bushranger from the early 1800's. So a couple of weeks ago I thought, I wonder if I could do it with metal, so I started to bang, pull, twist and play with some copper sheet metal. Then Ned's head appeared, and the rest just fell into place with making a rather crude hammered steel jump ring chain. In Ned's head is 3 photos of him through different stages of his life which you can view by looking through his slit in his helmet.
Above his helmet is a vintage police buckle that Jen (see she is to blame for all this jewellery making) LOL and hanging from the buckle is an etched brass bullet, representing the many bullets that were fired upon Ned in his famous gun fight at Glenrowen.
Love Sarah


  1. This is so cool You have really outdone yourself this time.Awesome piece Awesome Jeweler!

  2. **squeal** so fabulous honey! Love Love Love!

  3. Love Ned and love this very cool necklace...Jen is such a wonderful gal. Dont we all just luv her to pieces.Fabo job on the chain and would wear this in a heartbeat...LUV IT !!!

  4. I love this piece- very cool!!!

  5. Sarah this is exceptional! What a fabulous piece of wearable art! xo

  6. It's priceless beyond words. You seem to make beautiful things out of everything. Have a great day.

  7. This necklace is outstanding! LOVE it!

  8. This is amazing Sarah. Keep up the great work.

  9. Anonymous3:56 PM

    What a tribute...your heart was in this awesome art piece...Jan (Jen's friend}

  10. That is awesome! I can just see you hammering away creating this lol!
