Monday, February 22, 2010


Last weekend I had the greatest pleasure of doing some wonderful jewellery classes my dear and wonderfully talented friend Jen Crossley. She taught a wide array of techniques including making bezels and using the wonderful ice resin. Here are the bezels we made and a big thank you to Jen for wiring my birdcage for me, these fingers of mine just dont have it when it comes to the fiddly stuff these days. Love you woman..LOL So in the last few days I have been madly finishing the bezels and attaching Jens pewter twigs and making them into necklaces. And this comes from a woman who always said, "I dont do jewellery" Thanks Jen for another addiction for collecting and making jewellery..


  1. Absolutely GLORIOUS my sweet and hugely talented friend!!!

  2. These pieces are awesome girl you have really done an amazing job on them Do you want my address LOL
    so glad the mojo is back

  3. OMG Amazing - Gee Jen you better watch out... someone is after your crown LOL

  4. Absolutely beautiful pieces!!!

  5. Your work is truly amazing Sarah, I love them, you are very talented lady.

  6. They are absolutely STUNNING!!!

  7. Very nice and I love the look of these and the way the birdcage we did in my class looks as a piece of jewelry. Great stuff.

  8. These pieces are amazing - very inspiring!!

  9. Wow, these necklaces are outstanding! Love especially the one with the wings.
    You have done a fabulous job, Sarah!

  10. Hi Sarah
    Jen gave me a link to your blog as she tells me you live up here in the NT now....I can see why she gave it to me your work is stunning.I wear my necklaces and pins (ala Jen and Susan Lenart Kazmer, Stephanie Lee etc)around town so If I see a blonde lady wearing hers I'll ask if its you *grin*.I think I have been to your blog before but then forgot the link.Well done and shame I missed the Brissie classes this year.Love the book you made the gorgeous Ness too

  11. OMG these pieces of Jewellery are so stunning and awesome. I am waiting on my Ice Resin to arrive and then to play with it, wow.... now I can't wait, thanks.

  12. Oh Sarah I am getting concerned my birdcage necklace hasn't arrived yet???


  13. Amazing
    very beautiful
    great work

  14. Fantastic work I love it all and will be checking back on a regular basis.

  15. Well for not making jewelry you did an awesome job!!!! I just love it. Can you please tell me where you got the angel wings. I am looking for a set so I can make something for myself and want to add wings to the project. Love your work.

