Friday, April 03, 2009


Suaunter is one of Imogen's Imogenism's.(you know kids coming up with their own ideas of things). I think she hit the nail on the head today with this one. **SUAUNTER**. She says to me whilst I was driving. "Mum today is very much like Suaunter." Ok I say, what is Suaunter?? She says, the weather today, its a bit of summer, a bit of autumn and a bit of winter all in one... And yes she was right, it was 3 seasons in one day here today, so today was very Sauauntereous!!!
Had to share this!!LOL
Love Sarah


  1. Its my favorite saying "Suaunter "apart from your other saying "Fannuary".
    Wonder where Ms Imogen comes up with this stuff ???

  2. That's Melbourne weather for you!

  3. Sarah,

    I have nominated you for a Kreativ Blog Award. I hope you accept it. Check out my blog for details.
