Friday, January 30, 2009

Melting Pot goodness..

Last week when my Melting pot arrived I couldnt wait to play and make these fabulous Leandra Beads that you can see on the PaperArtsy blog. They didnt quite turn out as fabulous as as seen on the PaperArtsy blog, but they are pretty darn cool never the less. Encapsulating little things suspended in the Utee is so much fun. Next week I will have another creation using the melting pot that I have made for next months Aussies Dares theme.
Ok off to swelter some more, no not in my melting pot, but in this 1 in 100 year heat wave we are having.. Oh the joys.. And my man comes home tonight for a few days... So so so happy...
Love Sarah


  1. Great beads Sarah - now put them away and enjoy some time with your man. Something tells me things are going to get hot in the Fawcett house tonight - and I'm not talking about the weather LOL!

  2. Those beads look pretty good to me.

    Now don't be too hard on poor Barry tonight ;-)

  3. how wonderful that your man comes home Sarah, enjoy!!!
    I love my melting pot but I'm not using it this weather!!!
    The beads look fantastic you clever thing.

  4. Grrr hot stuff in the fawcett house last night ggrrrrrrrrrrr
    oh yeah the beads look great as well

  5. These beads are incredible, Sarah. Can't wait to see what are you doing with these beauties.
    Gaby xo

  6. I love the way your beads turned out. A melting pot is on my wish list. The way the weather has been, we hardly need melting pots!

  7. The beads are super - I love my melting pot too.
    have fun with the hubby.

  8. These look so good IRL!!!! please visit my blog, i have left you something

  9. Gorgeous beads, sorry what is Utee? Thanku
