Saturday, January 10, 2009

January Art Journal

This is my 1st page ever for my 1st art journal ever. Blue Bazaar are running a year long Art Journal Challenge, so I decided to jump in and play along. This months theme was to do an abstract background and draw a focal point.. Well I cant draw to save myself so I copied a birdcage stamp from BLine Designs.. Not original I know but if you saw my 1st attempts you would be glad I copied. However I did draw scomewhat scribbly with wire across the both pages and added some circles with pencil.. That was all me..LOL

I think my journal shall be called a "Journey" as this something right out of my league and comfort zone. My Journey into Art Journalling has only began, so lets hope my talents improve in coming months..
Love Sarah


  1. Woo hoo! I can't tell you how much I'm going to enjoy your journey. Just keep blogging!

  2. This photo doesnt do it justice it has to be seen to be believed

  3. I love this. I went with "art journey" for bb's challenge also.
