Sunday, September 21, 2008

I finally did it too...

After months of putting it off, I finally conquered the nerves to go for my grading for yellow belt this morning.
Imogen did hers a couple of months back, and I was suppose to do it with her, though big mama bear here got a wee bit scared. Plus I had to learn a few extra things than what she needed to do. I am sore and tired, but relieved its finally done...
Love Sarah


  1. congatulations Sarah. I was supposed to be going for my 7th kyu this morning but twisted my pelvis 3 weeks ago and had to pull out. My oldest son got his 5th kyu though and I am so proud of him.

  2. WOW - let me know when you're available - I need to order a hit on someone!
    Yikes, I won't be messing with you Ms Sarah! Well done.

  3. Watch out World... Kung Fu Miss Sarah is on the loose with her yellow belt! I am awe of your complete awesomeness (Kung Fu Panda saying). You go girl. I am so proud of you.

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Congratulations Sarah! What a wonderful achievement!

  5. Congrats Sarah,Im so glad you finally got a belt to hold up your pants LOL
    I knew you could do it

  6. Hello Sarah, a kiss from Rome. Ciao
