Thursday, January 10, 2008

Inching artists challenge

Today while it was stinking hot, I decided to follow the inching artist challenges. Even though they are tiny and fiddly, they are a great way of using your stamps or even parts of them and of course that ever growing scrap stash. This weeks theme is the roaring 20's and I used an image from old old magazine, must have been something like our new idea or womans weekly. Hop over to inching artists blog to follow Lindas greats themes each week.
Love Sarah


  1. wow! sarah u are one talented lady! i love your work especially the inchies.... must try them some time.... when ihave some patience!!! lol thanks for the visit to my blog. regards the tattoo... something i have wanted to do again for quite a while... a challenge really and now it's done i feel so much better.. kind of like overcoming a fear.....

  2. It is so nice to visit this beautiful blog of yours. You are making the most lovely cards and other things. Todays visit is giving me inspiration to make a very small card as I was planning to do.
    It is kinda funny to read about the heat in your place, it is snow and ice here just now. Wish you a very good weekend!

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    wowo they are all divine, how are you displaying them?

  4. Sarah! Love your blog! I left the email contact for you in the comment section. Would love to swap ATC's with you. Get in touch soon!!

  5. Oops! The comment section of my blog! Sorry! Didn't proofread that closely enough! Brain freeze!

  6. Forgot to ask you , I`ve made a link from my place to your blog. Is that all right with you?

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Love your inchie display, it's just super! Your tryptch set is such a wonderful feature!

  8. Love these inchies Sarah they look GREAT
