Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wonderful foil

Yesterday whilst wrapping something in foil in the kitchen I wondered what alcohol ink would look like on it. I had to play didnt I.

I scrunched up the foil, flattened it out and smeared the ink all over. It gives it a beautiful lolly wrapper look.

So what is one to do with coloured foil?? Make some ATC's of course. So today I did.

I decided I would play with my Zettiology and Paper Artsy stamps and do something a little odd I guess.

Anyway must dash and go and pick up the girl from school..


  1. Thanks Sarah aka Secret Santa, your gifts are just so gorgeous, you are so talented. I can't wait to try this foil technique it looks fantastic, thanks for the tip.

  2. GORGEOUS Sarah these are awesome!!!
    PS the zetti looks cool
