Wednesday, November 07, 2007


On Saturday we went up to Ararat to visit J ward which was a jail for the criminally insane. A very interesting place, full of horrific stories and tales.
Of course I was taking photos left right and centre, and it wasnt until I went up to mums the next day and plugged the camera into Dads computer when I noticed an anomly in this pic. Its seems I have taken a photo of another presence in the autopsy room. Enlarge the pic to see more detail but its all there for the naked eye to see.
After the hairs on the back of my neck went down, I emailed J ward with this pic and to see if others who have visited capture the same sort of thing, or if they could explain it furthur.
I recieved an email back from them today, and they will be putting the pic up for discussion with its members, and if they discover anything they will let me know. Wouldnt it be great if someone out there actually knows who this could be. Spooky but also very interesting...


  1. I don't get the feeling that it is a spirit. It might be an angel though.

    love Coby

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I am just hoping it is a reflection from the window lol! I am so not into that,creeps me out! Why visit a place like that anyway? eeeeks!! lol!

  3. thats a bit spooky. at first i thought you were talking about what looks like finger prints on the metal. sorry if this comes out as a double post!

  4. How cool is that - i love it - keep us posted.

  5. oh gosh wow spooky
