Sunday, October 14, 2007


Over the school hoildays I went to the local antique shop and boughts some gorgeous vintage/heritage photos. I mainly got them for ATC's but would love the scrap them now.
Here are 3 that I have played around with so far..

Yesterday went to Paperific with mum and bought some gorgeous stamps which I have been playing around with today making some more moo cards for a swap.
Also today we have been making a little halloween scene on the kitchen dresser
with a witches cauldron boiling with smoke, spiders, finger nails, and skeletal hands. I cut out witches, bats and scared cats out of black cardstock and stuck them on the wall, you can find all sorts of wonderful templates on I will share a photo later this week.
Thats all for me for now..



  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    WOW you have a blog. You have been very busy I see. Love what you are doing, thanks for sharing

  2. Hi sarah,

    Love what you have done with your ATCs. Yoou have a gorgeous style.
