Sunday, March 12, 2006

+++Sunday Update+++

Sunday Update. This morning we went out the back of the acreage and waved to the QUEEN yes the real one... In my PJ's, coffee and fag in the other hand. Thankfully she couldnt see us, but we saw her car and her entourage. Then we went to old parliament lawns to see a whole heap of cars.. It must be a man thing. BORING yawn yawn, but we were not there long, as Imogen has been very sick this weekend with stomach pains.
This afternoon we took her to the doctors and she has "mesenteric adenitis" yep try and say that 10 times over. Bascially it is swollen lymph glands in her belly, and mostly misdiagnosed as appentisitis. She is looking better now, but I will be keeping her home from school tomorrow, just in case.
Anyway here are a couple of shots of today, sorry none of me waving to Her royal highness in my PJ's, but one of Imogen and Georgie who we bumped into at the car thing, and for those who loved the tent city, here is another from a different angle....

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